About Luv Tempeh

Luv Tempeh was born in 2019. Maddalena Tumminaro created and brought fresh, unpasteurized tempeh and other fungal foods to Durango, Colorado. Now, Laura Nunemaker is carrying on the tradition of hand-crafted fresh tempeh.

laura standing next to booth set-up at september 27, 2023 animas city night bazaar.

Laura Nunemaker


Laura Nunemaker is a passionate vegan who has dedicated much of her life to promoting a plant-based lifestyle. She previously co-owned a vegan bakery in Atlanta, where she worked to provide delicious vegan options to her community. After closing the bakery, Laura spent 5 years traveling full-time in an RV with Kevin, using her travels as an opportunity to explore new plant-based food options throughout North America and beyond. Laura is excited to continue learning and exploring the world of plant-based foods with the acquisition of Luv Tempeh.

Luv Tempeh Podcast Interview

For Earth Day 2023, owner Laura Nunemaker sat down with Sanford Johnson from The Durango Pod to discuss tempeh, sustainability, and more! Listen below!

Read more about the ownership transition

A note from Luv Tempeh's founderDear Lovers,Many of you know that this summer I pulled back from my responsibilities, made space for love and put Luv Tempeh for sale. I’m so proud to share that in less than a month the business had 8 interested buyers and was under contract

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