Where can I find Luv Tempeh near me?

See where you can buy unpasteurized Luv Tempeh in Southwest Colorado. The fresh tempeh will be in the refrigerator and looks like the image above and the frozen tempeh packaging looks like the photo below the market listing. The frozen tempeh is still alive! You can see the varieties of tempeh we make here.

We're available in these markets and restaurants.


natural grocers logo.

Natural Grocers Pagosa Springs & Salida

Look for us in the freezer - see photo of packaging below

logo for zuma natural foods in mancos, colorado.

Zuma Natural Foods, Mancos

Look for us in the freezer - see photo of packaging below

fort lewis college grub hub sign.

Fort Lewis College Grub Hub

Look for us in the freezer - see photo of packaging below. Learn more about Grub Hub.

valley roots food hub logo

Valley Roots Food Hub

Wholesale & retail frozen tempeh - more info

sunnyside farms market logo.

Sunnyside Farms Market

Look for us in the freezer - see photo of packaging below

a hand holding a package of frozen colorado tempeh.

